ode,-ode, -odal, -odeon, -ody
(Greek > Latin: song, lyric poem)
Etymology: from Old French comedie, 14th century, "a poem" not in the theatrical sense; from Latin comoedia, from Greek komoidia, "a comedy, amusing spectacle"; probably from komodios, "actor or singer in in a comic chorus," from komos, "revel, carousal, merry-making, festival" + aoidos, "singer, poet"; from aeidein, "to sing"; related to Greek oideor ode
1. A small keyboard organ similar to the harmonium in which a bellows, operated by pedals, causes air to be drawn through metal reeds.
2. Etymology: from Old French melodie; from Latin melodia, from Greek meloidia, "singing, chanting", a time for lyric poetry; from melos, "song" + oide, "song"; ode.
2. Etymology: from Old French melodie; from Latin melodia, from Greek meloidia, "singing, chanting", a time for lyric poetry; from melos, "song" + oide, "song"; ode.
melodic (adjective), more melodic, most melodic
melodious (adjective), more melodious, most melodious
Relating to pleasant or agreeable successions of sounds to the ears: The melodious tones of his mother's voice always reminded William of the wonderful days he spent as a child.
melodiously (adverb), more melodiously, most melodiously
melodize (verb), melodizes; melodized; melodizing
1. A poem in which someone expresses a strong feeling of love or respect for another person or something.
2. An ancient Greek song written either for a chorus or for a solo singer.
3. Etymology: from Greek oide, "song".
2. An ancient Greek song written either for a chorus or for a solo singer.
3. Etymology: from Greek oide, "song".
A place where musical concerts are performed.
1. A theater or music hall.
2. In ancient Greece and Rome, a roofed building for musical performances.
2. In ancient Greece and Rome, a roofed building for musical performances.
odic (adjective), more odic, most odic
A reference to a poem that is meant to be sung.
Someone who mimics or makes fun of another production or performance with irony and ridicule.
A musical or literary satire which has taken a serious work and presented it in a humorous way: Any procedure or activity that has been done so badly that it is considered to be nothing but trash is called a parody.

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parody (verb), parodies; parodied; parodying
To make a burlesque or humorous imitation of a serious literary or musical work, in which the forms and expressions of the original are closely followed but are made ridiculous or satirical: Jim performed a parody of the politician's speech on TV which made most people laugh and appreciate.
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